Saturday, March 22, 2008

home school v.s public school.

When you think of home schooling what do you think? When you think of public high school, what do you think? There are so many opinions about public school being better than home schooling or vice a versa. There are many opinions, but whose opinion is right? Is it the person that went to a public high school for their whole life? Is it a person that was home schooled their whole life? Different educators have their own biased opinions and they will stand by them simply because that is all they have ever been exposed to. However, I think the public school system versus being home schooled is a discussion that needs to be addressed by educators and children or teenagers that have exposure to the matter not by ignorant stereotypes of each side. Let me tell you who I am, I am a mascot full of school spirit and proud to say" Go cougars," I am a straight A student in public high school, I am one of the most popular people in my high school, however I was home schooled until my junior and senior year. I also loved being home schooled there is many differences between public school and home schooling. Each of the types of education has different qualities about them that are challenging and rewarding. High school for me was a great once-in-a-lifetime experience. I have experienced a completely different world for the first time. However because I was home schooled I was able to see the opportunities clearer than the kids that had been in high school their whole lives. I already knew who I was and what I wanted to experience during high school. I would say that home schooling taught me to be proud of whom I am and that every body learns in different ways. It also taught me that being an individual is a great thing and should be respected and honored. In addition, I was exposed to a different world of learning, during my home schooling experience I learned different subject in unusual ways, instead of sitting in a classroom learning about history. I was living it for example when it came time to learn about ships, I went, worked, and slept on a ship for 72 hours. In addition, everything was real. The cleaning of the deck was real, the cooking of the food for the other ship workers was real, and the hard cold beds were real. The style of learning me interested and impeached wildly being able to interact as I learned I was able to enjoy learning about different areas of education in an engaging and interesting way. All of my subjects were taught in interacting and exciting methods I was never sat down and told to read a book from page to page and then tested on how well I memorized every detail and every date I learned through experience in things for myself and being shown different subjects in exciting ways. I think this had a huge effect on how high love to learn. No one ever sat down and said learn this or you will fail at what? This class? life? success? I think this method of sitting children down today and telling them that if you do not succeed at this test you cannot proceed. This does not promote high self-esteem or confidence if you stop and think about some of the methods were usin in our public high schools today you will see that most of the methods were teaching unaware. Built around one kind of learning and then we have the courage to say that everybody learns in different ways we have visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. These are the most common learning styles that people half but that is not to say that these are the only learning style and I think public school systems need to start looking at the bigger picture of how to meet children's different ways of learning. Not wrong, not stupid, not weird, just different ways of learning material if we expect every child to fit into a box and learn the same way. Then when they do not the public school system tells them that their stupid or are they have a learning disability how is it that we do not address different styles of learning in our public school system today. We expect everybody to learn the same way and our public school systems if you are not able to sit down, put pencil to paper, and process that information effectively you are not going to be successful. I find this ignorant and ridiculous that in our public school systems we are not addressing a matter further every child is an individual with different needs and desires that need to be treated as individuals and met where there learning style is. This is not to say that public school systems are bad or not well organized and disassembly to address an issue that needs to be altered and recognize for the sake of children today.


Henry Cate said...

"I was living it for example when it came time to learn about ships, I went, worked, and slept on a ship for 72 hours."

How did you arrange this? Did you going with a commerical fishing boat? Or what?

"I find this ignorant and ridiculous that in our public school systems we are not addressing a matter further every child is an individual with different needs and desires that need to be treated as individuals and met where there learning style is."

This is because our current public school system is largely based on the Prussian factory model. It is easier on the teacher to have all the students march to the same drum.

tgbjrmontara said...

i think that this is a very interesting subject to write about. also take for example private schools, another alternative path of education. public schools all stick to a curiculum that is set by each state, which also means that it is designed by the government. i personally believe that the experiences that you had in home school are some that kids in public school will never get to do, i remember that when it came time for us to learn about ships, we did a class fieldtrip..(not as exciting), but however, i also firmly believe that public school is about shaping our social skills, and teaching us about being part of and survive within the world and all of the different people in it..

marisol26 said...

when i think of a public high school education i think of crummy teachers who hate their job and their students but i also think about irresponsible students who want to party day and night. maybe that was just my high school but i seriously feel like i didnt learn much.

valentino said...

I didnt know that they let you stay on a boat for that long to learn about it. thats really amazing. This was a nice overveiw of homeschool wish i would have experienced it myself though ='(